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What distinguishes me from other politicians?

The problem in Venezuela is that, unfortunately, bad pranks and jokes are also elected to public office, and some of them reach the presidency.

As a result, politics in Venezuela has become synonymous with failure. Instead of generating positive results, what they produce is problems, failures and hardships for their citizens.

They have turned their responsibilities into a political problem, to the point that failure is already democratized in our country. Even the politicians of Venezuela have always had an enormous strength to do things wrong, and they destroy everything they touch. So much so that they failed when lawyers predominated in Venezuelan politics, they failed with representative democracy and also with socialism. They failed when the military came to power and they failed in times of economic affluence and also in times of scarcity.

Where they do stand out and exceed other politicians in the region is in manipulation; the same one that has turned our military into a control tool. This incites widespread violence and promotes confrontation among Venezuelans.

They are also effective in putting their personal interests before those of the country, in stealing the resources of Venezuelans and in hiding, giving away and dividing what they have stolen among them. On the other hand, they are lousy at generating wealth in the pockets of Venezuelans.

It is worth mentioning that Venezuelans are witnesses to my statements, and those who are not from Venezuela all they have to do is take a little look at the current situation in my country.

What I have just described is what makes me different from other politicians in my country. Actually, it is my inner characteristics that make me different from them.

To begin with, I am not a political messiah or a warlord. What I am is a human being who is aware of his imperfections. I am a husband, father, a full citizen, Venezuelan, who loves his country of origin and its people. I am a good friend, a son of God, a well-educated professional who perfectly understands the cruel reality of the world we live in and how it works, and lastly, I am a politician.

Second, the vast majority of Venezuelans clamor for a politician who is truly honest and independent and, without a doubt, that politician is me.

Some of the qualities that I do not possess are:

  • I have never been a member of or earned a salary from any political party.

  • I have never taken a penny from my country, Venezuela.

  • I have never been involved in acts of corruption.

  • I never voted for the two traditional parties in my country.

  • I exercised my right to vote in 1983, at the age of 19, and I voted for the National Integrity Movement-Unity (MIN Unity) party of the late, our dear, Renny Ottolina, who at that time was represented by Gonzalo Pérez Hernández . Some of my friends from that time reacted to my decision and told me that the MIN was never going to win and that I had wasted my vote. My answer was simple and direct: I told them that I had not voted to win, but because I had lost faith and confidence in the two traditional parties of those times. Looking back, I think I made the right decision.

  • I can proudly say that I do not have the experience of the vast majority of politicians in my country. For example, in my veins there is not a drop of hatred, deception, deception, lies, cruelty, scam, corruption and incapacity.

  • I have no expertise in how to make money through fraudulent practices.

  • I have no experience in taking away the dream of living in a free, prosperous and peaceful Venezuela from millions of Venezuelans.

  • I have no expertise in destroying everything I touch.

  • I have no expertise in generating division, hatred, poverty and chaos.


No, I don't have those experiences, and I thank Dad God for that.

The experiences that I do have are totally different from those of the rest of the traditional politicians in my country, Venezuela.

For example:

  • I was trained professionally in a free country full of opportunities.

  • I have lived more than half of my life in the United States of America and have learned countless life lessons.

  • I am academically trained, qualified and available for any public office, as long as it is to open a new window of opportunity for Venezuelans.

  • I am the first to admit when I am wrong because people respect those who admit their mistakes.

  • I have been part of many work teams and we have done well.

  • I have made mistakes and have learned valuable lessons from them; Thank God, out of politics.

  • I entered politics to serve and not to be served.

  • I am a person of good principles, intentions and faith.

  • I am heartily glad when a stranger achieves success and I try to give him my full support.

  • I am a faithful friend.

  • I am not rancorous and I do not like to judge others.

  • I am honest in the light and in the dark.

  • In all my years, I have never hurt anyone.

  • I have a magical connection with Venezuelans outside and inside my country. They know what time it is on my watch and I know what time it is on theirs.

  • Finally, I like to be a positive and cool person.


Those qualities are what define me as a person and what I humbly offer to Venezuelans.

Yes, I am different.

My most sincere and profound thanks to all my readers.

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2024      Abraham Benitez 
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