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Economic, social and cultural rights

All governments in the world have a moral and political obligation to promote economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR). These rights are not negotiable or debatable for the simple fact that they are not only the fundamental basis of the social structure of a country, but are also universal values.

Therefore, food, health, education, national security, the right to adequate housing, the right to work and the right to a healthy environment are part of the economic, social and cultural rights of a country.

These rights, although they seem basic, are of vital importance so that every family can enjoy an adequate standard of living, good health, economic well-being, the right to liberty and equality, the right to participate in life culture and respect for individuals and families.

So much so that it does not matter if the State lacks resources; he has the immediate obligation to take the necessary measures to guarantee all these rights and improve them over time.

Unfortunately, some governments fail to honor these basic rights. This is evident when we witness the disastrous results of poor government management that directly contributes to the violation of these rights. For example:

  • The criminal actions of government officials and the Armed Forces themselves when they unjustly or forcibly evict families from their residences.

  • When people lack access to safe drinking water.

  • When job insecurity increases.

  • When poverty grows disproportionately.

  • When policies to combat hunger fail.

  • When the education and health system is precarious.



I reaffirm my commitment to work hard in the design and implementation of policies that favor the lives of all those who live in our territory, without distinction.

My most sincere and profound thanks to all my readers.

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