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New and modern infrastructure

A country without a new, modern and sustainable infrastructure will not be able to attract serious and reliable foreign direct investment (FDI); much less will achieve mass or chain production. In other words, it will be very difficult for it to become an attractive and reliable destination for transnational companies.

Nor is it going to ensure that their companies can maximize their value or generate a sustainable value chain over time. Much less, achieve a competitive or market advantage that allows a substantial economic development; development that, without a doubt, is the fastest and safest way to generate wealth and accelerate the economic recovery of Venezuela.

However, to achieve the integration of our economy, accelerate its growth and increase national and global competitiveness, a new and modern infrastructure is required. This offers the necessary logistics corridors to connect the centers of production, storage, distribution and marketing of merchandise. Also, it provides a more equitable labor market and the adequate platform to make the transfer of the labor force more accessible, which, without a doubt, is the most important asset of our country, Venezuela.

Also, a new and modern infrastructure allows all parties involved to benefit, thus creating a win-win-win situation. For example:

  1. In the first place, it generates great benefits for the industries of our country.

  2. Then, it strengthens the national economy and the export of our products and services.

  3. Next, it increases the levels of social progress and well-being, beyond income. For example, new and modern infrastructure is a basic prerequisite for access to a good quality and sustainable education, nutrition, employment and health system. Furthermore, it facilitates access to decent homes to live in, a healthy environment, public lighting and safe neighborhoods. Also, it generates peace and happiness for Venezuelans.

  4. Finally, a modern infrastructure is of paramount importance for the success of development policies and for economic growth. In other words, a modern and sustainable infrastructure is the fundamental basis for the proper functioning of our economy and of Venezuelan society.


In summary, from the acquisition of the raw material to the commercialization of the final product, it depends, in large part, on a new, modern and sustainable industrial logistics over time.

My proposal

Public policies are required to promote economic and social development through investment in modern and sustainable infrastructure.

Venezuelans are clamoring for a new and modern urban infrastructure plan that offers prosperity, health and well-being for all. That is exactly what I propose to do. Venezuelans deserve it, and it is time to make that project a reality.

My most sincere and profound thanks to all my readers.

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